Welcome to Calvert Elementary School, home of the Coyotes!
Calvert opened its doors in the fall of 1929 and was originally named College View School, as the town of College View eventually joined Lincoln. In 1939, College View School had two separate buildings and in 1955, the two buildings were connected by a breezeway. In 1958, College View Elementary was renamed Calvert Elementary School for its close proximity to Calvert Street.
Calvert Elementary serves approximately 330 students in preschool through fifth grade. Specialist teachers in art, music, physical education, computer science, and library media use their expertise and talents to provide a well rounded program for our students.
At Calvert Elementary School, we are committed to providing a caring, respectful, and safe learning environment where every student learns, achieves, and performs. Students are guaranteed an engaging, rigorous, and balanced instructional program that is aligned with the Lincoln Public School curriculum standards. Calvert Elementary School has three school-wide expectations for behavior: Be safe, be respectful, and be responsible.
We value the partnership between families, the community, and our school. Families know their children best and our partnership is valuable in helping us to support the unique needs of students. We are fortunate to have an active and supportive PTSO. Our PTSO works in collaboration with students, families, staff, and the Lincoln community to enrich curricular and extra curricular experiences for all Calvert students that otherwise would not exist.
It is my humble privilege to serve as the principal at Calvert Elementary School and I look forward to being a guide and support through your child’s educational journey. If I can be of any assistance, please contact me at 402-436-1130 or lgidding@lps.org.
Lynnelle Giddings, Calvert Principal
Apr 86:00 pmto 7:00 pmPTSO Meeting |
Apr 226:00 pmto 7:00 pmBand/Strings Concert |
Apr 296:00 pmto 7:00 pmChoir Concert (4th & 5th) |
May 56:00 pmto 7:00 pm2nd Grade Spring Music Program |
May 66:00 pmto 7:00 pm5th Grade Spring Music Program |
May 136:00 pmto 7:00 pmPTSO meeting |
8:15 a.m. to 2:53 p.m.
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